Better eyes stable diffusion


Better eyes stable diffusion. • 2 yr. Perfect Eyes XL. 通常会使人物面部更加漂亮,并增加皮肤细节. This technique works for topic keywords and every category, like lighting and style. pipeline = DiffusionPipeline. It understands these type of prompts: Picture of 1 eye: [color] eye, close up, perfecteyes. katy perry, full body portrait, wearing a dress, digital art by artgerm. Used grapefruitV4 and meinamix_meinaV10. First, use BREAK in between the main prompt and the description of the eye color. 13. Mar 18, 2024 · Version 2 is trained on fluffyrock-terminal-snr-vpred-e132 and plays even better with most furry models, especially vpred models. Inpainting just the face as well as individual parts of the face in batches at full resolution from latent noise with words like shy, confused, laughing, singing etc can produce interesting variations. 9) in steps 11-20. ) isn't as bad as stable diffusion. 2-Have patience. 14. Extra tags: heterchromia (works 30% of time), extreme close up, Sep 7, 2022 · If you ever generated an AI face with (DALL-E, Midjourney, Stable Diffusion) you will often notice that the eyes in the image are not symmetrical and look weird. Begin by loading the runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5 model: from diffusers import DiffusionPipeline. Step 1. DPM++ 2M Karras takes longer, but produces really good quality images with lots of details. [2] From an objective point of view, it would seem that using S for SD upscale and then N (aka S2N) would produce the best native images. Full model fine-tuning of Stable Diffusion used to be slow and difficult, and that's part of the reason why lighter-weight methods such as Dreambooth or Textual Inversion have become so popular. About that huge long negative prompt list Comparison. Join. We tested 45 different GPUs in total — everything that has Then made (192x1080) crops for hair, eyes and lips of the 8192 images (also face but over 4k). Hi there, SD-based app builder here. Denoise essentially controls the level of noise reduction applied to the image. The two keys to getting what you want out of Stable Diffusion are to find the right seed, and to find the right prompt. The key is to give the ai the Jan 31, 2024 · Stable Diffusion Illustration Prompts. Type the Prompt, add words in the Negative Prompt section, and select the art style you want to create. Prompt Included. Now Stable Diffusion returns all grey cats. Envy Cute XL 04. No "Restore faces" or extras/CodeFormer/GFPGAN used here, this is straight out of vanilla SD 1. In my experience. Be descriptive, and as you try different combinations of keywords, keep This tutorial walks you through how to generate faster and better with the DiffusionPipeline. I update with new sites regularly and I do believe that my post is the largest collection of Stable Diffusion generation sites available. Import your image and mask the problematic eyes. prompt #7: futuristic female warrior who is on a mission to defend the world from an evil cyborg army, dystopian future, megacity. Download the LoRA contrast fix. 5 with zero edits. If you're more selective on which frames to use as keyframes, you can get better results out of EbSynth. Trigger word: blank eyes. These advancements, albeit partial, offer a significant boost in the way Oct 17, 2023 · Neon Punk Style. 2nd/3rd place would go to epicphotogasm and realisticvision. A text prompt. 5 with LoRA Block Weight. You control this tensor by setting the seed of the random number generator. VAE, or variational autoencoders, have seen enhancements in recent updates to the renowned Stable Diffusion models 1. katy perry, full body portrait, standing against wall, digital art by artgerm. When inpainting, you can raise the resolution higher than the original image, and the results are more detailed. Set the denoise strength between like 60 and 80 on img2img and you’ll get good hands and feet. (detailed face and eyes:1. From blurred faces to distorted features, ADetailer delivers efficient and effective restoration. Install the Composable LoRA extension. While using alongside other LORA/LyCORIS it's best to not overdo the weight and keep it around 0. It's hard to generate half-closed eyes on normal models. from_pretrained(model_id, use_safetensors= True) Dec 7, 2023 · How to Write Best Stable Diffusion Camera Prompts . With focus on the face that’s all SD has to consider, and the chance of clarity goes up. So, if you were to list a lot of artists at the beginning of your prompt and still had the word "photo" at May 12, 2023 · Stable diffusion prompts work by giving you some constraints and guidelines that help you generate pixel art with minimal effort. 0 (with cetus) mixed cetusMix inside. I’ve covered vector art prompts, pencil illustration prompts, 3D illustration prompts, cartoon prompts, caricature prompts, fantasy illustration prompts, retro illustration prompts, and my favorite, isometric illustration prompts in this Install a photorealistic base model. Keyword Weight. I then ran the original image through CodeFormer in the Automatic1111 GUI, and got this result: Completely created with AI: MidJourney -> PIFu -> Mixamo -> 8thwall. You can also generate this person in a different style. 6 seems to still work just fine about 80% of the time. Follow these easy steps to correct those eye imperfections: Navigate to the img2img tab: This is where you’ll find the tools you need. Imho analog madness is king for the past few months. Be specific in what you want, as in don't tell it (blue eyes) because the eye encompasses the pupil, iris and sclera. And the reason for that lies in diffusion and how it works, as it starts with noise and works from there. PurpleAfton. 4, 1. This doesn't really have a good selection of hairstyles. You can tweak a keyword’s importance using syntax like this: (keyword: factor). 5-if you use the only masked option put 768x768 as resolution Best to start "painting by", "digital art by" at the beginning. 1 for this experiment. Now obviously this stuff is basically still in its infantile stage atm and it seems like every day people are trying to improve things about stable diffusion to make it better through training. Jun 7, 2023 · Here is how the Stable Diffusion Negative Prompt works; Go to the Stable Diffusion website, create an account, and click Get Started for free. 0 weight, but it may produce weird artifacts at times. Apr 10, 2023 · 4. I’m a pretty novice user, though. a CompVis. Stable Diffusion is a Latent Diffusion model developed by researchers from the Machine Vision and Learning group at LMU Munich, a. So 4 seeds per prompt, 8 total. Midjourney, though, gives you the tools to reshape your images. During training, the Stable Diffusion model is locked but the attached hypernetwork is allowed to change. I’ve categorized the prompts into different categories since digital illustrations have various styles and forms. It produces slightly different results compared to v1. In Waifu Diffusion, Anything, and most anime-trained models, it is a lot more Feb 21, 2024 · 1-Use a very good model. They most certainly aren't even though they look similar initially to the untrained eye. Dec 27, 2022 · Use "Cute grey cats" as your prompt instead. 5 model with much better faces using the latest improved autoencoder from stability, no more weird eyes Jun 11, 2023 · Fix EYES In Stable Diffusion - 3 Quick Fixes! You like Stable Diffusion, you like being an AI artist, you like generating beautiful art, but man, the eyes in your art are so bad you feel like Jul 29, 2023 · Enhance your eyes with this new Lora for SDXL. The general consensus is that it is slightly better, but the different is small. I just found out about the extension yesterday and it’s been pretty amazing to combine it with Codeformer. 5 or 2. In the dropdown menu, select the VAE file you want to use. Not perfect, but much better. The 'Neon Punk' preset style in Stable Diffusion produces much better results than you would expect. To use a stable diffusion prompt, you need to follow these steps: Choose a prompt. The AI has learned to associate these traits with the phrase “Hatsune Miku. You don’t need to have any artistic skills or experience to use them. 0, it sacrifices some color and light effect in exchange for better anatomy. Okay so, it depends on a number of factors. r/promptcraft. Go to the Inpaint Tab: Here’s where the magic happens. 5] Since, I am using 20 sampling steps, what this means is using the as the negative prompt in steps 1 – 10, and (ear:1. Compared to 3. 0 like wonderful color and light and shadow. 0. This video is from a deleted channel, but it still somehow works. In this journey, we actually learn how camera lenses, angles, lighting, distance, and other aspects affect stable diffusion prompts. You should see the message Sep 25, 2022 · https://colab. It has a lot more celebrity and artist prompt recognition than 2. com/drive/1sVsoBd9AjckIXThgtZhGrHRfFI6UUYOo?usp=sharingYou're encouraged to experiment with the parameters (for ex: models) (I' Jan 28, 2023 · Eyes Token: loraeyes Weight: 0. 5 enable stable diffusion models to generate anime images with realistic details, vibrant colors, and smooth lines. DetailedEyes_XL. Click on Generate Image. 0:31. I think this is the problem you are having. You really have to work with denoise and size for each image to find a good result. Steps: 25, Sampler: Euler a, CFG scale: 9, Seed: 1191178004, Size: 384x512, Model hash: 81761151. It's a fallacy that all these models are the same. Hi People! So i started using stable diffusion locally, first with easy-diffusion and i generated alot of images, but often times the eyes are wierd (across multiple models and loras), even with fixes, alot of images are not nice because of the eyes. Not guaranteed to work, but I have much better luck when generating The ADetailer Extension within stable diffusion emerges as a transformative solution for restoring and fixing facial flaws. 4x_foolhardy_Remacri_0 denoise again, but this time upscaled with Tiled Diffusion. Installation Guide: Setting Up the ReActor Extension in Stable Diffusion 4. I tried rendering a same image on both and Ubuntu was significantly faster. youtube. Usage tips: trigger word is "btets" but adding tags like "yellow sclera" "no irises" "purple irises" or "heterochromia" will help tailor the output, the dataset has examples Sharing some results of fixing eyes in img2img. Scale was 15. And 1. May 28, 2023 · Works best with a focus on the face or highres images so that eye detail is high enough. Stable Diffusion generates a random tensor in the latent space. However, if you downscale the 8192 image to half size, it appears the N2S was the better result. If you set the seed to a certain value, you will always get the same random tensor. 1. You can use it alongside existing models to generate txt2img / img2img or use it with inpainting to fix existing images. Jan 26, 2023 · Head to the “Run” section and find the “Image Settings” menu. 2 epochs) was a stronger trained model, vs 72 photos with 3000 steps (0. SD gets confused when making images higher resolution than training set and will duplicate subjects as a result. I created a trailer for a Lakemonster movie with MidJourney, Stable Diffusion and other AI tools. Inpainting with animation models like modern Disney may help generate exaggerated expressions which can then be made more photorealistic by Stable Diffusion is a product from the development of the latent diffusion model. Settings for all eight stayed the same: Steps: 20, Sampler: Euler a, CFG scale: 7, Face restoration: CodeFormer, Size: 512x768, Model hash: 7460a6fa. 4. I will explain what VAE is, what you can expect, where you can get it, and how to install and use it. Diffusers now provides a LoRA fine-tuning script that can run Dec 8, 2023 · The Ultimate Stable Diffusion LoRA Guide (Downloading, Usage, Training) LoRAs (Low-Rank Adaptations) are smaller files (anywhere from 1MB ~ 200MB) that you combine with an existing Stable Diffusion checkpoint models to introduce new concepts to your models, so that your model can generate these concepts. 4 and v1. The more information surrounding the face that SD has to take into account and generate, the more details and hence confusion can end up in the output. The drawback is that sometimes they undersize the detection map (on mesh and small modes), depending on what you're doing with the face. Jan 13, 2024 · 3. Another trick I haven't seen mentioned, that I personally use. Create beautiful art using stable diffusion ONLINE for free. 4 and 1. Shot Angles - eye-level shot Shot Angles - low angle shot Shot Angles - high angle shot Shot Angles - hip level shot Shot Angles - knee level shot Shot Angles - ground level shot Shot Angles - shoulder-level shot Shot Angles - Dutch angle shot Shot Angles - birds-eye-view shot Shot Angles - aerial shot Shot Angles - 3/4 view Jul 11, 2023 · Take the character Hatsune Miku, known for her distinctive twin-tail blue hair and blue eyes. Stable diffusion with Roop tips. The shorter your prompts the better. ” And I am using Stable Diffusion model 2. 36 upvotes · 5 comments. 3-Use inpaint with at least a batch of 4+ (if you have 8gb vram or more) 4-In inpaint you ONLY cover the wrong parts of the foot, if all the toes have strange shapes/there are 7 or more toes, you better cover all the toes with inpaint. Register an account on Stable Horde and get your API key if you don't have one. High-Resolution Face Swaps: Upscaling with ReActor 6. 🪄 The final touch of magic is that I used multiple "bad loras" with negative strength to push the model toward greater "goodness". EPG has an equally good or slightly better skin texture but breaks much easier than AM. Jan 26, 2023 · LoRA fine-tuning. Aug 11, 2023 · Head to Clipdrop, and select Stable Diffusion XL (or just click here ). Hypernetwork injects additional neural networks to transform keys and values. Stable Diffusion v2. Varies a lot by model, for starters. • 18 days ago. 5D and live models. Stability AI’s lead generative AI Developer is Katherine Crowson. I hope you enjoy it! 358. 6 (up to ~1, if the image is overexposed lower this value). Can be mixed with Nov 21, 2023 · Some of the loras I merged: LUT Diffusion XL. Aug 28, 2023 · Stable Diffusion v1. Introduction Face Swaps Stable Diffusion 2. Upload your image: Simply drag and drop your image into the “Drop Image Here/Click to Upload Box. Dec 9, 2022 · The secret quick fix for messy hands and eyes in Midjourney and Stable Diffusion artwork. ago. Note : the default anonymous key 00000000 is not working for a worker, you need to register an account and get your own key. Also, the order of the words you use in your prompt is very important. katy perry, full body portrait, sitting, digital art by artgerm. Ubuntu is still an unknown territory for me but it seems to work fine. So I trained this lycoris to obtain better half-closed eyes faces. 41 epoch model was able to do more custom/creative images vs the 1. [deleted] IOW, their detection maps conform better to faces, especially mesh, so it often avoids making changes to hair and background (in that noticeable way you can sometimes see when not using an inpainting model). Not sure if adetailer works with SDXL yet (I assume it will at some point), but that package is a great way to automate fixing hands and faces via inpainting. Now use this as a negative prompt: [the: (ear:1. My GPU is 2080, 8gb. Example: If you type "blue eyes" and then type "white shirt", the shirt will be blue instead of white. That way, you can increase weight and prevent colors from bleeding to the rest of the image, or use Loras/Embeddings separately for the main image vs face/eyes. 3. I wouldn't be shocked to find out that its all Stable Diffusion under the hood (like NovelAI) but they could have 100s of in house lora all auto triggering based on keywords. Conclusion: Hm, weird, I compared several images with the exact prompts/parameters with and without the VAE and I'm seeing much more defined eyes and mouths, not so much diference on hands and the like, but eyes and mouths seem better in my tries. Restart Stable Diffusion. The hardest thing for it to do are things that require straight lines. For more information, you can check out Getting better at hardcore. Edit: (Smeared black makeup on the eyes) also works kind of. Can be good for photorealistic images and macro shots. Block training is already used, but sometimes block weights are better when used with other lora in tests. Aug 16, 2023 · Now you get a consistent and sharp face every time you use the keyword zwx! Consistent face with Dreambooth image #1. VAE is a partial update to Stable Diffusion 1. v1. Steps for getting better images. Faces in Stable Diffusion can be improved upon in 3 main ways, each with increasing performance than the next. May 14, 2023 · This is a model for making eyes a bit better. If you click the Option s icon in the prompt box, you can go a little deeper: For Style, you can choose between Anime, Photographic, Digital Art, Comic Book Oct 10, 2022 · Stable Diffusion takes two primary inputs and translates these into a fixed point in its model’s latent space: A seed integer. Launch the Stable Diffusion WebUI, You would see the Stable Horde Worker tab page. 主要特征:在整张面部进行眼睛细节的提升,而非仅仅是单只眼睛的特写. A factor < 1 makes it less important, while a factor > 1 makes it more important in the Stable Diffusion prompt. 3), when using high-res fix, set denoise to . 2 - 0. Adding terms where characters have slit pupils, like horns, demon girl, cat ears, etc, does produce better results. research. Craft your prompt. patreon. My first and last name backwards "noskcajleahcim" is a stronger keyword vs "sks man" (that one mixes with a sks rifle in the model)The 0. By automating processes and seamlessly enhancing features, this extension empowers users to achieve impeccable outcomes. So for example, if I have a 512x768 image, with a full body and smaller / zoomed out face, I inpaint the face, but change the res to 1024x1536, and it gives better detail and definition to the area I am Now, make four variations on that prompt that change something about the way they are portrayed. trigger word: half-closed eyes. ”. Jun 28, 2023 · In response to the comments I made this Lora, can make the generated character's eyes become empty, not recommended for 2. Drag and drop the image from the download folder. Jan 16, 2024 · Stable Diffusion—at least through Clipdrop and DreamStudio—is simpler to use, and can make great AI-generated images from relatively complex prompts. Text2img I don’t expect good hands, I most just use that to get a general composition I like. You can keep adding descriptions of what you want, including accessorizing the cats in the pictures. k. To Feb 19, 2024 · Stable Diffusion v1. I find it's better able to parse longer, more nuanced instructions and get more details right. 8-1. 5 are the base for most of the models that people have created. These 3 methods of face enhancement are: writing more detailed prompts, using face restoration extensions like Codeformers, or. It was my first time using img2img and I just left settings at defaults, did a crude mask over the eyes, and put (perfect eyes) in the prompt. oil painting of zwx young woman, highlight hair. I have used the positive prompt: marie_rose, 3d, bare_shoulders, barefoot, blonde_hair, blue_eyes, colored nails, freckles on the face, braided hair, pigtails, Note: The positive prompt can be anything with a prompt related to hands or feets. 5 was released in Oct 2022. One thing I didn't try to compare it with is realistic pictures. Additionally, adjust the denoise parameter to around 0. Words at the beginning seem to get the most emphasis, decreasing in importance as the prompt goes on. black armor, black cape, pectorals. 5 to 0. So i tried A1111 and there i have made the experience that the face/eye fix works much much better, but for some reason a1111 takes 1,5-2x times "<path to stable diffusion>\stable-diffusion-webui-master\models\VAE\" To use a VAE in AUTOMATIC1111 GUI, go to the Settings tab and find a section called SD VAE (Use Ctrl+F if you cannot find it). Add the seeds, sampling method, and steps, if applicable. It usually makes the face more beautiful and adds details to the skin. white armor, white cape. Consistent face with Dreambooth image #2. 0, focusing on better eyes, anatomy (and a bit better hands) while maintaining most of the features of 2. Since the hypernetwork is small, training is fast and demands limited resources. Samples are generated on Any4. 5 or a value close to this. So I don't know if it performs better than those t Online. For example, closeup images are likely to produce great eyes compared to far away ones. black helmet, white helmet (don't include any hair or face prompt here) Two versions are good in my opinion, same dataset but just different training method. Picture of 2 eyes: [color] [optional:color2] eyes, perfecteyes. While Stable Diffusion has only been around for a few weeks, its results are equally outstanding as You select the Stable Diffusion checkpoint PFG instead of SD 1. CodeFormer can help with Face Restoration, Face Color Enhancement and Restoration, and Face Inpainting. Crowson combined insights from DALL-E 2 and Open AI towards the production of Stable Diffusion. This applies to anything you want Stable Diffusion to produce, including landscapes. Exploring the ReActor Face Swapping Extension (Stable Diffusion) 5. For instance, 800×800 works well in most cases. Mar 13, 2024 · Step 3: Import your image and mask the problematic area. ” So, if you wish to generate an image of Hatsune Miku with altered traits, negative prompts can guide Stable Diffusion away from the character’s traditional portrayal. Version 2 recommended strength 0. closeup portrait photograph of attractive young woman , 90mm nikon, Negative prompt: robot eyes, crosseyed. Advantages of the ReActor Extension over Roop 3. Wait a few moments, and you'll have four AI-generated options to choose from. Both GFPGAN results are vastly better than the original image in terms of facial structure and eye appearance, but both also had the side effect (common with GFPGAN) of making the face look a little too smooth, textureless, and digital. com/Quick_Eyed_Sky (to support, get prompts, ideas, and images)The colab: https://colab. I hope this helps everyone who needs to work with upscalers. 5 models that will make rendering eyes better. bmemac. 248 upvotes · 24 comments. Has anyone come up with a workflow to really bring out Roop’s potential? Sep 6, 2022 · The results are now more detailed and portrait’s face features are now more proportional. Weeks later, Stability AI announced the public release of Stable Diffusion on August 22, 2022. These new concepts generally fall under . https://www. All you need is a grid, some dots, and some imagination. Install the Dynamic Thresholding extension. 2 epoch model. google. Heun is very similar to Euler A but in my opinion is more detailed, although this sampler takes almost twice the time. Press the red Nov 25, 2023 · The cross-attention module of the original Stable Diffusion model. Trained on 175 face pic. 0 is a general improvement on 2. Install Realistic Vision over something like Dreamlike Photoreal 2 and half your problems are gone Use one or both in combination. Feb 20, 2024 · 1. r/GIMP. I have found 18 photos at 2000 steps (1. This action will mark the areas that need to be modified. Change the pixel resolution to enhance the clarity of the face. 8 [Change according to your usage] r/DeepIntoYouTube. You would be better off going on pintrest and looking up hairstyles in order to get some good variety rather than asking chatgpt for the initial list. Use the brush or marker to highlight eyes that need fixing. r/StableDiffusion. 4 or 1. The other post links ways to use Stable Diffusion locally on your own gpu. Download a styling LoRA of your choice. Face Swapping Multiple Faces with ReActor Extension Jan 4, 2024 · In text-to-image, you give Stable Diffusion a text prompt, and it returns an image. You can't add it to a playlist or push the like button, all buttons are gone. The solution is doing 512x512 txt2img then resizing with img2img. So, to understand this, let me consider a simple prompt: “A solitary tree in a field. NSFW POV All In One SDXL. Apr 26, 2023 · Key feature: Enhanced eye detail throughout the face, rather than just a single eye close-up. lazyspock. 54. You will get the same image as if you didn’t put anything. Also you may have to do a "two pass" depending on result. . •. This is a very important feature which will set the SD apart for any other AI becauese eye position of images control the dopamine secretion in the human brain, which can impact the value provided by SD in the filed of image editing. With that alone I’ll get 5 healthy normal looking fingers like 80% of the time. Feb 11, 2024 · How to use VAE to improve eyes and faces. Recommended weight: 0. model_id = "runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5". Press the big red Apply Settings button on top. In other words, the following relationship is fixed: Nov 11, 2023 · In “Stock Stable Diffusion”, an anime prompt looks something like this – an angry anime girl eating a book, messy blue hair, red eyes, wearing an oriental dress, in a messy room with many books, trending on artstation, SOME ANIME STUDIO, in XYZ style. The same seed and the same prompt given to the same version of Stable Diffusion will output the same image every time. ADMIN MOD. I generally use it at 1. 16 out of the 25 are various bob cuts with the littles a little bit different. I used two different yet similar prompts and did 4 A/B studies with each prompt. If the keyframe doesn't show the teeth, the teeth will be synthsized as a smear that's the color of lips/skin/whatever. LMS is one of the fastest at generating images and only needs a 20-25 step count. Now you can use the perfect tool for fixing that problem, it is called: CodeFormer. 9): 0. The result was the best from the first batch of 6 or so that I did. Stable Diffusion is a latent text-to-image diffusion model capable of generating photo-realistic images given any text input, cultivates autonomous freedom to produce incredible imagery, empowers billions of people to create stunning art within seconds. MidJourney probably has in-house Loras and merged models. Help protect eye integrity and quality even at a distance, make sure to arrange your prompts accordingly. The second way to reduce this is to have a prompt term activate Oct 21, 2022 · It would be really good if the Stable DIffusion has a feature to control the eye position precisely. 7. com/drive/1ypBZ8MGFqXz3Vte-yuvCTH Feb 28, 2024 · In the world of digital art and imagery, the nuances of capturing true likeness, especially in facial features like eyes, is an ongoing challenge. Nov 15, 2023 · You can verify its uselessness by putting it in the negative prompt. Any output frame where the teeth are visible should be coming from a keyframe I tried (goth mascara on the eyes) with ten batches and two of them had some good results. 0. Roop is a great way to quickly get likeness in an image without training. And a magic quick fix in Photoshop! This is a Midjourney, Stable Di Aug 3, 2023 · Enable Mask and Adjust Denoise: After painting the mask over the eyes, ensure you’ve checked the “use mask” option. 41 epoch). Download the improved 1. With LoRA, it is much easier to fine-tune a model on a custom dataset. I don't know and my prompt is very simple "radiant owl, highly detailed, digital art, sharp focus, trending on art station ". 5. 6 Dec 15, 2023 · Windows 11 Pro 64-bit (22H2) Our test PC for Stable Diffusion consisted of a Core i9-12900K, 32GB of DDR4-3600 memory, and a 2TB SSD. A curve is easy. 1 to create your txt2img. And just like NAI had default negatives and hypernetworks, I'm sure MJ has the same. Compose your prompt, add LoRAs and set them to ~0. Getting a single sample and using a lackluster prompt will almost always result in a terrible result, even with a lot of steps. 1 Aug 13, 2023 · Recommend Prompts: white hair, red hair, multicored hair, medium hair, yellow eyes. Really cool and fun interaction. They have become go-to models for dreambooth Surprisingly, it was 2-3x faster than windows11. 7 if it's still really artifacty otherwise . BREAK adds "padding" between the two parts which causes stable diffusion to treat the part after BREAK as more of a detail rather than a main part of the image which will reduce concept bleeding. Model checkpoints were publicly released at the end of August 2022 by a collaboration of Stability AI, CompVis, and Runway with support from EleutherAI and LAION. using a custom model with more accurate face training data. woman portait, symetric, (smeared black makeup on the eyes), intricate, elegant, highly detailed, digital painting, artstation, concept art, smooth, sharp focus, illustration, 8 k, It’s great for people that have computers with weak gpus, don’t have computers, want a convenient way to use it, etc. Enter a prompt, and click generate. Consistent face with Dreambooth image #3. This is an excellent image of the character that I described. Let’s look at each of these methods separately. mh fl we of mb vp bl mu sn tu